Common Name: Celestin blue
Suggested Name: Celestin blue B
Other Names:
Coelestin blue
C.I. Number: 51050
C.I. Name: Mordant blue 14
Color: Blue
Solubility Aqueous: 2%
Solubility Ethanol: 2%
Absorption Maximum: 654.5, 600 (Conn) 652 (Gurr)
Empirical Formula: C17H18N3O4Cl
Formula Weight: 363.8
Celestin blue B is used in solution with an iron alum mordant as a Hematoxylin substitute in the H&E stain. When this staining is followed by a progressive alum hematoxylin, an acid-resistant nuclear stain is obtained (celestin blue-hemalum sequence).
- R. D. Lillie.
Conn’s Biological Stains
Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD., U.S.A. - Edward Gurr, 1971
Synthetic dyes in biology, medicine and chemistry
Academic Press, London, England.