Do you have beautiful images of stained or dyed specimens that you’d like to share with the scientific community and beyond? Have you used StainsFile to help with your research and do you want to contribute to this online resource for cell visualization?
When you submit your image(s) of a specimen stained with a particular technique (e.g. fluorescent staining, H&E staining, metal impregnation, etc.), it may be published as an example of a successfully stained specimen on the relevant protocol page on StainsFile, allowing other researchers, histopathologists, and students to learn from your work. It may also be published on other resource pages or materials, such as our Science of Staining section, which includes staining methods as well as common staining targets and considerations. You will be acknowledged for your work, and the details of the experiment will be shared. By showcasing your research to a global audience, you will be contributing to a growing, open-access histology resource!
Complete the form to submit an image.
Submission guidelines:
- Image(s) must be acquired by the contributor completing the submission to StainsFile.
- Image(s) must not contain any scale bars, legends, titles, or other text.
- We suggest image dimensions of 600 x 400 px, a maximum file size of 200 kB, JPG file format, and a resolution of 72 dpi or higher. These are only suggestions, and the image properties can be adjusted for web optimization if needed.
By submitting, you agree that you will retain ownership rights to the materials and consent to the materials being used on the StainsFile website and for the promotion of the StainsFile on social media and by STEMCELL Technologies. You will be acknowledged on the StainsFile website and will retain ownership rights for the materials you submit (“Content”), but you agree that StainsFile and STEMCELL users who may access the Content are granted a non-exclusive license to access, use, reproduce, distribute, and display the Content. You understand that StainsFile and STEMCELL reserve the right to add their own links and content to your Content where appropriate, and decide whether the Content will be published on the website.