Duprès' Magenta
for Nuclei
Stock basic fuchsin
Material | Amount | |
Basic fuchsin | 0.75 | g |
Ethanol, 95% | 20 | mL |
Distilled water | 80 | mL |
- Mix the ethanol and water. Add the basic fuchsin.
- Heat at 40°C for 48 hours. Cool and filter.
Solution A
Material | Amount | |
Stock basic fuchsin | 5 | mL |
Aniline water | 100 | mL |
Acetic acid, glacial | 1.5 | mL |
Distilled water | 100 | mL |
Solution B
Material | Amount | |
Formalin, conc. (40%) | 20 | mL |
Acetic acid, glacial | 25 | mL |
Distilled water | 50 | mL |
Tissue Sample
5 µg paraffin sections of neutral buffered formalin fixed tissue are suitable. Other fixatives are likely to be satisfactory.
- Bring sections to water via xylene and ethanol.
- Place into solution A for 1-10 minute.
- Rinse with distilled water.
- Place into solution B for 5-10 minutes, until differentiated.
- Stain with a contrast stain.
- Dehydrate with ethanol.
- Clear with xylene and mount with a resinous medium.
Expected Results
- Nuclei – red
- Cytoplasm – according to counterstain
- Magenta is an older name for basic fuchsin. Since this is a mixture, it is likely that its component dyes could also be used.
Safety Note
Prior to handling any chemical, consult the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for proper handling and safety precautions.
- Gray, Peter. (1954)
The Microtomist’s Formulary and Guide.
Originally published by: The Blakiston Co.
Republished by: Robert E. Krieger Publishing Co.
Duprès, (1935)
Journal number 11425, v. 46, pp. 77
Note: Gray identifies journals by a number from the world list of scientific periodicals, ed. 2, 1934. Unfortunately, the journal listed as number 11425 is not identified by name in the list he provides. In a second reference to the differentiator used in this technique he gives the journal number as 14425. This may be the intended reference:
Duprès, (1935)
Monitore zoologico italiano, v. 46, pp. 77
Florence, Italy.