Paquin & Goddard's Iron Hematoxylin
Hematoxylin Solution
Material | Amount | Function |
Hematoxylin | 0.8 g | Dye |
Ferric ammonium sulfate | 5 g | Mordant |
Ammonium sulfate | 0.7 g | – |
95% ethanol | 25 mL | Solvent |
Glycerol | 13 mL | Solvent |
Distilled water | 75 mL | Solvent |
Picric Ethanol
Material | Amount | Function |
Picric acid, saturated ethanolic. | 6 mL | Acid |
95% ethanol | 94 mL | Solvent |
Compounding Procedure
- Combine the glycerol and ethanol.
- Add the hematoxylin and dissolve using gentle heat.
- Dissolve the other ingredients in the water.
- Add slowly to the hematoxylin solution with agitation.
- Let stand for 24 hours before use.
- Bring sections to water with xylene and ethanol.
- Place into the staining solution for 5 minutes.
- Rinse with tap water.
- Differentiate briefly in picric ethanol.
- Wash well in running tap water to blue.
- Rinse with distilled water.
- Counterstain if desired.
- Dehydrate with ethanol, clear with xylene and mount with a resinous medium.
Expected Results
- Nuclei – black
- Background – as counterstain or unstained
- This was specified as an acid resistant nuclear stain prior to Paquin & Goddard’s trichrome. It is also suitable for other methods requiring an acid resistant nuclear stain.
Safety Note
Prior to handling any chemical, consult the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for proper handling and safety precautions.
- Gray, Peter. (1954)
The Microtomist’s Formulary and Guide.
Originally published by: The Blakiston Co.
Republished by: Robert E. Krieger Publishing Co.
Paquin and Goddard, (1947)
Bulletin of the International Association of Medical Museums
and Journal of Technical Methods, v. 27, p. 198