Fast green FCF has been recommended as a substitute for Light green SF yellowish in Masson's trichrome. It is less likely to fade and is more brilliant in color. It may be substituted in other procedures as well.
Light Green Homologue
The following three green dyes may all be used as the fibre stain in Masson type procedures. Light green SF yellowish is the most common, although fast green FCF is less likely to fade and is a more brilliant colour. Guinee green is occasionally suggested, but is prone to fading.
- R. D. Lillie.
Conn’s Biological Stains
Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD., U.S.A. - Susan Budavari, Editor,
The Merck Index, Ed. 12
Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA - Aldrich chemical catalogue, 1992
Aldrich Chemical Company, Milwaukee, WI, USA.