Common Name: Metanil yellow
Suggested Name: Metanil yellow
Other Names:
Tropaeolin G
C.I. Number: 13065
C.I. Name: Acid yellow 36
Color: Yellow
Solubility Aqueous: 5.40%
Solubility Ethanol: 5.40%
Absorption Maximum: 536 (Conn), 435 (Gurr), 414 (Aldrich)
Empirical Formula: C18H14N3O3SNa
Formula Weight: 375.391
Metanil yellow was used in one variant of Masson's trichrome to stain collagen yellow in contrast to the red muscle, but is not in common use.
- R. D. Lillie.
Conn’s Biological Stains
Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD., U.S.A. - Edward Gurr, 1971 (1971)
Synthetic dyes in biology, medicine and chemistry - Aldrich chemical catalogue, 1992
Aldrich Chemical Company, Milwaukee, WI, USA.